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Showing posts from July, 2021

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Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss – Yes There Is a Difference!

  In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you exercise; your body needs even more calories. Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, and just because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. When people talk about losing weight, what they really want to do is lose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractive figure. When you eat, the body uses most of the calories for energy. If you eat more calories than the body uses, it will get stored as fat. If you do not consume enough calories per day you will lose weight, but you will also lose energy. When you do not consume enough energy (calories) for your body, it will start using up your energy stores to make up for the energy deficiency. Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not yo

Can Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?

 In recent years, more and more people are trying out acupuncture to lose weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight? Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders.  Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or TCM physicians claim that acupuncture can help you to lose body fat by making you feel full and so will eat less. This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patient’s weight loss program. Acupuncture treatment can also be used to raise your metabolic rate and help you to burn more calories to speed up weight loss. Some Chinese medicine practitioners say that acupuncture stimulates the production of a hormone called endorphins and th

Setting Reasonable Long Term Goals

We see a lot of people struggling with weight issues and their body image. With the available resources and materials for weight loss spilled all over the place, those, who are overweight, are a bit confused about which method to follow to shed those extra lbs. Although the basics of weight loss do not change, they depend on setting realistic goals, cutting the calorie intake and exercising a little bit. Many presume that a weight loss program is all about a restricted diet, or fad diets, or diet pills and involving strenuous physical exercises. But, actually the basics of weight loss programs are rational, flexible and healthy to which any one can adhere to while they work well on the person aiming to lose weight. The first basic step towards weight loss is to set a reachable goal. When setting a goal to reduce weight, it is good to know the reason for doing so, benefits you may get at the end of the weight reduction program and the changes you are willing to make in your diet. This

Weight Loss: Tweaking Your Lifestyle

Despite our national propensity to overeat, under-exercise, and grow steadily heavier and more out of shape, we all yearn to be slender, fit, and attractive. Our culture rewards the thin and the beautiful; look at how we devour celebrity gossip, mesmerized by the looks and energy of our current favorites. Why the discrepancy between our aspirations and our reality? There are a plethora of reasons, most of which can be traced to the simple fact that life gets in the way. “I’d love to cut back on my food intake,” we think, “But I have to attend all these work functions and have little control over the meals that are served.” “I would really like to get in shape,” we complain, “But there’s no free time and I can’t afford a personal trainer like the movie stars I see.” “I really want to take care of my skin and my body,” we wail, “But I’m so busy that a quick shower and a slap of moisturizer is all I can fit into my schedule.” It would be so wonderful to have loads of free time: to p

What Are You Willing To Do To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

  I’m approached quite regularly about which diet is best, which   book would I recommend and what exercise program should a   people follow.   People think they can just purchase a book to read and then some sort of magic occurs whereby reading it   will cause their fat to magically disappear.   Well, I’m here   to break the news to you, the $40 investment in your weight loss book is just the start, there’s a lot of hard work and   other expenses involved.   Time Investment There’s time invested in your education (reading, watching   videos etc), time you’ll spend exercising doing both cardio   and weight training.   There’s time spent creating your new meal plans as well as preparation of those meals the day   before or days in advance.   There’s time involved in doing   extra laundry because you’re suddenly doing more exercising now on your weight loss journey. Let me ask you this:   What’s your favorite television show?     How much television are you watching in a given week? 1 Ho

Different Types of Diets Part 3 - The South Beach Diet

  What Is The South Beach Diet? The South Beach Diet was developed by cardiologist Arthur Agatston to help his patients lose weight and maintain a healthy diet for a lifetime. It is designed in phases, like the Atkins Diet, with different eating recommendations in each phase. All phases have the same underlying philosophy, though. Weight loss and maintenance depends on establishing a balanced diet that avoids 'bad' fats and carbohydrates.     The proponents of the South Beach diet claim that you can lose weight and maintain the weight loss without counting calories, weighing portions or depriving yourself of good-tasting, satisfying foods. This is accomplished by cutting out empty, high-carbohydrate foods like sugars, potatoes, rice and white bread. Each phase is specially designed to accomplish a particular goal.     Phase I: Adjusting your Metabolism  In Phase I, you eat three meals and two snacks daily, eating until you are no longer hungry. The phase lasts two weeks

Different Types of Diets Part 2 - The Mediterranean Diet

  What Is The Mediterranean Diet? In 1993, the Harvard Medical School released the results of research that studied the diets of those countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Their findings suggested that fat and carbohydrates were NOT the main culprit in obesity and heart disease, but rather that the RIGHT fats and carbohydrates should be the base for a healthy diet. The study pointed to low rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease throughout the region as proof of their contention.     Exactly what is the Mediterranean diet and can it help you lose weight? There actually is no 'Mediterranean' diet - it's a compilation of the way that people in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea eat. Despite the differences in actual specifics, all of those studied based their diets on the same proportions of food groups and calories, and all included olive oil as their main source of fat. In fact, their diets contained far more than the recommendations made by the U

Different Types of Diets Part 1 - Atkins Diet

  What Is The Atkins Diet? The Atkins weight loss diet is based on one simple principle: Your body burns both carbohydrates and fat for calories. If you reduce the amounts of carbohydrates available, it will burn more fat and you will lose weight.     According to Atkins, calories are unimportant. The key to losing weight is to restrict the carbohydrates that you eat and force the body to turn to its stored fat as an energy source. As proof of this, proponents of the Atkins Diet point to the following facts derived from research:     * When the body doesn't have enough carbohydrate, it will use ketenes derived from fat as energy.  * You can eat more food and lose more weight on a low carbohydrate diet than you can on a low fat diet.  * You crave less food when you eat fewer carbohydrates.  * By eating fewer carbohydrates, people tend to eat fewer calories without counting them.  * The greater the difference between fat and carbohydrate, the greater the weight loss.    

What Is Your Weight Loss Motivation Level?

  Have you ever wondered why there are so many diets out there on the marketplace these days? With new diets popping up on the Internet and in health and wellness journals all of the time, the phrase ‘yo-yo dieting’ says it all. If the South Beach Diet doesn’t work, there is always the Beverly Hills Diet, or the Cabbage Soup Diet…or…the list seems endless! If you are a serial dieter then you literally have no end to the options you can pick and choose from. What you really need to know though, is that it is not the diet that controls the weight loss, it is the person behind the diet. If you have not yet come to understand what, if any, importance food weighs in your life, and you are bouncing from one diet plan to the next diet pill, to the next gym membership then you need to realize that it isn’t the diet that is failing you, but rather it is you failing the diet. So what are some of the key things you can do to stay on track for a healthy lifestyle that involves a long term weig

Why Most of Your Diets Always Fail

 Over the years, there has been millions and millions of people who have tried countless numbers of different diets to try and lose weight. Equally, there have been millions and millions of people who failed at these diets. If all of these diets are supposed to be designed to make you lose weight, then why do most of them fail to do that? Why is it that no matter what diet you try, it never seems to work? Perhaps the diet itself was no good. Maybe it was too expensive to stick with. It could be that there was no support. Possibly, it just seemed to take too long to lose weight. The fact is, not one of those reasons is why most diets don’t work. Surprised? Don’t be. In reality, it all boils down to one simple yet complex reason. Yes, there is really only one thing that stands between you and your weight loss and that one thing is; your desire to eat was stronger than your desire to lose weight.  It may sound too simple and may be a little hard to swallow, the truth often is, but that

Be Healthier With Veggies

  The new food guidelines issued by the United States government recommend that all Americans eat between five and nine servings of fruits and vegetables each and every day. When you first hear that number, it may seem like a lot, but it is actually much easier than you think to fit that many servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. For one thing, the shelves of the grocery stores are fairly bursting with fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, vegetables and fruits are some of the least expensive, most nutrient rich, foods in the supermarket. With all these fruits and vegetables to choose from, it is very easy to make these nutritious, delicious foods part of your daily meals and snacks. When you take into account how much a serving really is, it is actually quite easy to get five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. For instance, the recommended daily amount actually equates to a quite reasonable two cups of fruit and two and a half cups of vegetables