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  Sleep is arguably the second most important factor in health and metabolism, besides nutrition. Its hormonal effects are very underrated. We usually focus on nutrition and exercise in the weight-loss and lifestyle-transformation process. But lack of sleep can mess up our well-planned weight-loss project. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality is one of the most important risk factors for many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and cancers. A good example of this is night shift workers. A meta-analysis done in 2018 found that the more night shifts a person works, the greater their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The risk of diabetes for night shift workers is up to 44% higher than for those who only work day shifts. The other thing that a motivated dieter doesn’t know is that just losing a couple of hours of sleep every night sabotages his/her weight loss process in a rather extreme way. In another study, it was found that while sleeping either 5.5 hours or 8.5 hours a
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Artificial Sweeteners - What You Should Know And Which Ones To Avoid

  You have probably heard that artificial sweeteners are harmful for you. And you've probably heard that sugar is bad for you too. There is no need to use either one, but what do you do when you like your sweet taste and don't feel like giving it all up? Let's find out. The first problem is that gurus often classify artificial sweeteners into one category, but that doesn’t give us a clear picture of things. It is like speaking of carbs, proteins, and fats as the same thing. There are different classes of artificial sweeteners and they differ quite a bit. So the truth is that there is genuinely not that much scientific evidence of artificial sweeteners being "poisons." Most of these studies have not been replicated and most of them have studied aspartame and other synthetic sweeteners. One clear finding is that using big amounts (meaning a couple of coke lights a day for an example) of artificial sweeteners raises cancer risk in the long run. But there is may

Aerobic exercise - principles and a simple guide

     Now we are getting to every weight loser's favorite "magic weapon" - aerobic exercise. Unfortunately, it is misunderstood and misused, even to a harmful degree. There is a chance that even you have hindered your metabolism with hundreds of hours of aerobic exercise. But we will get to that in a minute. Aerobic exercise, when used correctly, is a great tool indeed.  Benefits of aerobic exercise: It burns a moderate amount of calories compared to NEAT. It improves one's oxygen uptake - tissue's ability to use oxygen and thus create more energy.  It lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, type 2 diabetes, mental illnesses, and many more. It can be incorporated into a hobby and be quite enjoyable (it doesn't have to feel like you are WORKING out).  What about the disadvantages?   As mentioned before - aerobic exercise doesn't burn nearly as many calories as people think. It can't make you magically thin, and you can't use it to


  Indulging or “cheating” is one of the most misunderstood concepts in dieting. If you learn and master the method we’re going to teach you, it might just be the key to your success. Most of us have some problem with emotional eating. Does this sound anything like you? You’ve been eating and overeating for long periods at a time and, at some point, decided to go on a strict diet. You’ve mustard all your willpower and motivation into this project, eaten cleanly for weeks, and gotten some pounds off your belly. But after some time, the motivation disappears or you counter some other obstacles or setbacks. So you have fallen back to eating like before. But this time, you're also overcompensating and eating even more than before. You eat until you can’t stand yourself anymore and go on another strict diet. It's a widespread story of yo-yo dieters and emotional eaters.  The false assumption that we’ve gotten from bad television about weight loss is that you are either on a strict di

Exercise Nutrition

  WORKOUT NUTRITION: Nutrition and supplements in support of physical activity   A very often asked question is, “What to eat while or after working out?” And it is a good one because you should take physical activity into account in your nutrition. For an easy-going person who is physically active just to feel good and doesn’t work out intensely or with a purpose, this chapter is useless. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry about those details, since they won’t make a big difference. But if you’re after maximal benefits and results, you should pay attention. Let’s go over nutrition through different exercise categories.  Low-intensity aerobic and body weight resistance exercises don’t need special nutrition because they hardly use any energy. In those cases, when you feel unenergized or your weight is dropping too fast, you should just increase the daily calories.  Exercise nutrition comes into play when your workout intensity and duration raises. First of all, some core